Monday, April 20, 2009

This is my Google Map,47.460938&spn=41.576237,112.5&z=3

Alexander Unifies Greece

Alexander became king of Macedonia at age 21. Hi father Philip was murdered in 336B.C. He was tutored by Aristotle who taught him philosophy and geography and other subjects. like his father who unified Greece, he was a warrior and a successful leader. Philip had planned to conquer Persia but was murdered. His fathers death left him king. In general the Greeks did not like to be ruled by anyone especially the Macedonians whom they call barbarians. When they saw that their ruler was a young boy they revolted thinking they could break away from that rule. They soon found that they could not under the brilliant military commander that was Alexander.

Alexander conquers Syria (Tyre)

In 333B.C. Alexander set out to conquer Tyre, a stratigic coastal base fought over by the Persians and the Greeks. It is the largest and most important city of Phoenicia on the Mediteranian coast as well as an island with 2 natural harbors. the island was half a mile from the coast and had high walls of about 200 feet above the see. Alexander did not have a big navey so he wanted to take the city and prevent the Persians from taking the harbor. The Persian surrendered and Alexander took their navy and that of Cyprus and laid siege to Tyre for seven months, but Tyre resisted. Alexander then built a causeway and batered the city until it surrendered.

Alexanders conquers Babylon

After winning the battle of Guagamela Alexander went on to the south traveling along the tigrus river. Were huge amounts of fertile lands stretched as far as the eye could see. When he reached Babylon the govener surreneded the city and Alexander entered in victory. Priests showed respect to him and he did the same by respecting their god and rebuilding his temple. Rich men gave him great wealth. It was a place were his slodiors could rest. After Babylon the capital city of Susa surrendered and with it came huge amount of silver and gold. Now Alexander was the official new "king of Asia". He then ontinued over Zagros mountain range into Persia.

Alexander conquers Persia at the battle of Guagamela

After winning the battles of Granicus and Issus, Alexander went on to conquer and defeat his Persian rival King Darius III in Persia. Darius wanted to make sure that he could defeat Alexander on his home turf. He chose Guagamela in Persia for its flat land so that he could use the chariots with the scythes on the wheels. He flattened the land even more and was ready to face the enemy. On October 1st, 331B.C. he was ready with 200,000 men to face Alexanders army of 35,000. Alexander figuered out the Persians tactics and ordered his men to go to the right where the land was rocky and uneven. Darius was forced to follow but the chariots couldnt move well on this rough terrain. Alexander won again and Darius fled again.

Alexander's Battle of Granicus in Anatolia

In May 334B.C. Alexander fought the battle of Granicus against the Persians were he came close to death and failure. The Persians had always interfered in Greek afairs, oppressed the peopele of Greece and Asia minor and had repeatedly invaded them. The Greeks were filled with hatred and fear of them. Alexander did what his father had planned but never carried through, i.e. invade the Persian Empire. The Persians had concentrated on killing Alexander at the battle, therefore, weakening his army. Alexander met the enemy head on and went on to win the battle and defeat the persians. Darius retreated in fear swearing he will crush Alexander later on. It is well known that Alexander wanted personal glory andhe wanted to prove that there was nothing that he could not do. His favorite book was Homer's Trojan war Saga, The Iliad. It was his Bilble and he took it with him everywhere and thats how man should behave in his life.

Alexander Conquers India

The Battle of Hydaspes River was fought in 326B.C. by Alexander the Great against the Indian King Porus. After Alexander conquered Persia he wanted to expand more and enter the Indus Valley. So he started a new campaign against the many Indian kings in 327B.C. After arriving at Taxila, and with the help of its king, Raja Ambhi, their combined forces attacked King Porus. And the Hydaspes River is deep and fast and crossing it would be faital. So Alexander waited several days and outsmarted the enemy by letting them think he connot cross the river. He did with a small force. Porus didn't believe that it was an important crossing and he only sent a small army. His son was killed. Aexander sent a troop of cavalry and attacked the Indians from behind. The Indians used elephants and that was especially dificult for Alexander because the horses were scared of the elephants and that forced Alexander to change his battle strategy. Through clever manouvering he was able to destroy the Indian Cavelry without endangering his horses. After huge losses Porus who was wounded in the fight surrendered.

Alexander Conquers Pakistan

Alexander arrived at Pakistan from the north at Swat. There he was faced with a tough fight by the local warriors were it is said he was injured. then he reached Indus at a place called Ohind. The first local ruler was Raja Ambhi, the ruler of Taxila. This ruler was well aware that Persia was defeated by Alexander and was destroyed by his armies. To spare his area a simular fate, he negociated a peace with Alexander. The people of Texila welcomed Alexander with open armes and he stayed there for a long time. He held many discussions with the people of that city and he admiered their knowledge. He was very happy with the Raja and kept him as the ruler of that area and give him many expensive presents. In the early spring, he allied with the king of Taxila against his neighbor the king of Hydaspes.

The coins above comemmorate Alexanders conquering of Indus Valley

Alexander In Egypt

When Alexander the Great entered Egypt he was faced with little resistance. The Persians had occupied Egypt from 525B.C. to 404B.C. and had reconquered it in 343B.C. Alexander's arrival seemed more like a procession. At Pelusium, Alexander ordered his navy to occupy the capital, Memphis, and he lead his army to Heliopolis. This was the most important place in the religious life of Egypt where the temple of Ra, the sun god, was found. Ra protected the Pharaoh. this is te city where Alexander was crowned Pharaoh and accepted the title of king of Upper and Lower Egypt; beloved by Amon; the chosen one of Ra; the son of Ra, Alexander. Alexander decided to found a new city on the western mouth of the Nile, Alexandria. He probably wanted to open a trade route to the Aegean sea. It was one of his greatest and longest of his succeses.