Monday, April 20, 2009

Alexander Conquers Pakistan

Alexander arrived at Pakistan from the north at Swat. There he was faced with a tough fight by the local warriors were it is said he was injured. then he reached Indus at a place called Ohind. The first local ruler was Raja Ambhi, the ruler of Taxila. This ruler was well aware that Persia was defeated by Alexander and was destroyed by his armies. To spare his area a simular fate, he negociated a peace with Alexander. The people of Texila welcomed Alexander with open armes and he stayed there for a long time. He held many discussions with the people of that city and he admiered their knowledge. He was very happy with the Raja and kept him as the ruler of that area and give him many expensive presents. In the early spring, he allied with the king of Taxila against his neighbor the king of Hydaspes.

The coins above comemmorate Alexanders conquering of Indus Valley

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